Our Club Values

Everybody who is part of Guildhall Feoffment Football Club should share our core values.

This includes our players, our parents/guardians, our coaches, our volunteers and our sponsors.

  • Kindness

    We are friendly to everyone. We treat everyone with care. We are always positive with our words and our actions. We treat others as we would like to be treated. We think about how our actions might impact on other people. Everyone is welcome at our football club. Above all, playing football should be about having fun and socialising with our peers.

  • Integrity

    We do the right thing. We are respectful of others and their differences. We show our pride in our community by acting correctly. We follow the rules and expectations of our coaches and of our school. We are a good role model to others. We are honest, always speaking with care. We respect referees and all other officials who support our game.

  • Compassion

    We try to understand how other people might be feeling. We know that all people have feelings and we try not to do things which might hurt them. We make time to find out about other people. We understand that everybody makes mistakes in football, including players, coaches and referees. We encourage each other, we do not criticise.

  • Endeavour

    We try our hardest to achieve our goals. We make an effort and always aim high. We keep trying, even when things are difficult. We persevere and keep going. We understand that commitment, punctuality and attendance is important. We are always learning and trying to improve. How we play as a team is more important than the result.

Become a volunteer

Share our values? We are looking for volunteers.

Codes of Conduct

All of the players, coaches, parents and match officials who are part of our club need to adhere to the FA Codes of Conduct.

Creating a fun, safe and inclusive environment for everybody, on and off the pitch, is hugely important to our club.

These codes of conduct are put in place to ensure that everyone involved within grassroots football is playing their part to give everyone a positive experience.

Please take time to download, read and follow the relevant codes of conduct below
